18 August 2008

we clean up and now it's time to learn

today i feel: lonesome, but okay
today i'm hearing: james k polk -- they might be giants
today i'm thinking: i could probably maybe get used to this some day

It is 11.13 and I am already done with my first day of classes. Rejoice!

Another girl beat me to the punch, so I don't get to stage manage Midsummer, even if Schnauzer doesn't cast me. But I have arranged to steal the ASM position if I don't get a part, so I'm kind of excited about that. I haven't ASMed since Urinetown; I don't want to get too rusty. However, I may be stage managing Raisin in the Sun come spring (Segun! Box set! Very few sound cues! My faith in good karma is completely restored), so at least I won't spend next semester too bored. Excitement.

Unfortunately, I'll probably be backstage for Christmas Story due to my need for a practicum credit. BLARGH. Ah, well. At least I don't have to deal with Pusan.

I made sun tea. It's not as sweet as I wanted it, but it tastes pretty good. I also went to Schnucks for macaroni salad, which I am currently decimating straight from the carton. I am such a healthy and attractive individual.

My room is all set up and still relatively clean! I'm excited about this. Unfortunately, our new lack of counter space means I need to do dishes already, but otherwise I kind of like the room. It's a bit bigger than my old one, and there's a lot of floor space. I don't feel quite so cramped, which is lovely. I don't know if I'm acclimating to the difference of people, though. I mean, I was starting to get used to Paiga being so flippin' far away (begrudgingly, but still getting used to it), but this new lack of Clarky and Randy and people in the dorms and Paige and distractions... That's rubbing me very much the wrong way.

Blargh. Loneliness is better when you're not alone.

Today, I need to go work out stuff with my online class and write my personal statement for tutoring. I should probably also send Ambassadors a line, letting them know I'm not dead or anything. But it's the first day and my panic mode is still very far from setting in. I can already sense that this will be a problem.

Especially when Douglas Adams is giving me goo-goo eyes from the corner and demanding I open up his silky pages and see how Arthur Dent and Fenchurch are doing.

1 comment:

As Bjorn said...

sounds like it's starting out to be a good fall. Stuff happening and jolly fun out there to be discovered and had. We hope you are well. We also hope to see you sometime this fall at some point, with Paige or without. Meanwhile I am not at all use to having paige 1600 miles away. Not too much fun (we are still in NH). Hope things continue to go well. You should do your dishes every day. Keeps the bug population low. Tim