23 July 2008

i'm so proud to know you

today i feel: content
today i'm hearing: rilo kiley -- take offs and landings
today i'm thinking: my butt itches

Good Things About This Week

1. I got a new bag!!! I find it incredibly attractive and am massively excited about its existence. Even better: it fits my fucking huge stage management binders. How grand is that? Pretty damn grand, that's how!

2. My new t-shirt came in. It is comfy and cute and even fits me well. How can you ask for more?

3. I didn't get to take my physiology test due to some accidental neglect on my part. I was actually kind of bummed about that, BUT! I found out I have until 27 October to finish the class. Panicking about that has decreased greatly since this discovery. Rejoice!

4. Mum finished my new basket and it looks wonderful. I'm starting to figure out what I'm putting in it and where that stuff goes and all that. Makes me happy. I'm excited.

5. I had an orange freeze yesterday. It was delicious.

6. I also had chicken barbeque pizza and some monstrosity Coldstone Creamery created. Also delicious. It's been a good food week for the most part.

My parents are in Denver for the week so Mum can go to this conference she goes to every year. The house is kind of quiet with just me in it, but I'm feeling surprisingly okay with it. I like having quiet time. It encourages me to calm down. Always a good thing. I've been having Brian stay with me during the night because I get freaked out by my freaky house. It's been really fun spending time with him, but I think I'll go solo tomorrow night. I'm not used to sleeping with other people anymore, and I'd forgotten how often I wake up during the night when there's someone else there. That, and he punched me in the face Monday night. It was hilarious.

Lem keeps eating my wooden flowers. This needs to end.

I'm starting to pack for school, just to have something to do. It's making me get more excited about going. That's a good feeling, you know? I've been so frustrated and depressed recently; I'm glad to be eager for something, especially when that something is school. Takes a surprising amount of stress out of life.

I started reading Watchmen yesterday. It's having a definite effect on my writing. Mrph.

I've decided I'm going to tutor this semester. I need a job (desperately), and that's one with pretty flexible hours and at least a little bit of personal satisfaction involved. I'm pretty sure I'll be tutoring all theatre classes, which would be cool. I'll just have to get the reading list and course guide for THEA 101 and I'll be all set. I've got (almost) all of my old theatre books and I've done pretty well in all of those classes, so tutoring other students should be pretty easy. Besides: I already do tutor almost half of the department. This way, though, I'll get paid to do it. Hooray!

I wish I could find my pocket knife. And my Mac remote. And my other hair ties. And and and.

I really want to go see Dark Knight again. It's eating away at my soul. And Hellboy II. Someone needs to get on this. I also have a strong craving for tacos. Mmm... Tacos. I'm about to start my fourth cup of coffee today. Can you tell?

If anyone knows of a twin or full bed someone wants to get rid of in, like, a year or two, hook me up. I'm in the market.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would also like to see Dark Knight again and I want to see Hellboy II but I think I need to watch the first one before I go. I'm excited about school as well and I'm glad to hear that you're excited to be going back. I was getting concerned that you didn't like me anymore :( meph. I am also jealous. BBQ chicken pizza and ice cream, sounds delicious. I am excited for this weekend. I miss you and your craziness when you get too much coffee.