25 July 2008

children begin by loving their parents

today i feel: coddled
today i'm hearing: footsteps upstairs for the first time in days
today i'm thinking: i'm already missing this past week

I just picked my parents up from the airport. Here are my mother's first words to me, prior to her even sitting down in the car:

'Why is the air-conditioning in my car cranked up all the way?!?'

Wow. And here I was actually looking forward to seeing my parents. Good thing that's gone.


As Bjorn said...

My mother always told me "patience it a virtue." How many more days do you have in Normal? Not that many. You can deal with your mom for a couple of more weeks. Every day gets you a little closer to being back in an environment you have more control over. And you like your dad, so it could be twice as bad you know? And your welcome, per the comment on my blog. Life is hard, but I get to know people like you and that makes it okay. Be well. Tim

As Bjorn said...

Reading this again it sounds like your mother was deliberately trying to get control back. As in, you are a grown person now, but she needs you to be a child so she isn't over the hill. Or maybe she needs to exert some control over the situation. Has she issues about controlling her own life? Well, I don't know how helpful this is, either. But the days do pass. Have you heard from Paige? I have not. I assume she is having a good time in Mexico.