15 June 2008

just a little bird floating on a hurricane

today i feel: dizzy
today i'm hearing: silence of the lambs on a&e
today i'm thinking: i had one two many drinks last night

Yesterday was kind of cool. My folks were at a wedding somewhere near Davenport and Paige was busy, so I went apartment hunting with my brother. We didn't have a lot of luck, but he might be renting a house pretty close to my folks' house. Which would be nice for me, as I could go over there whenever Mum gets insufferable without spending money on gas. Unfortunately, yesterday's hunt made my desire for a place of my own even greater than before. Blargh. After apartment hunting, I played Penny Arcade Episode One: On the Rain-Swept Precipice of Darkness, which is basically the awesomest game EVER. I have such a crush on it. And I'm getting pretty good at it, which is also awesome. We watched American Beauty at my folks' house so that Sammy wouldn't be so freaked out, and then we got drunk. Really, really drunk. I think I'm still recovering a little, but that's okay. It's not bad enough to worry about. We got Dunkin' Donuts this morning, and my two insanely fatty doughnuts definitely helped. The coffee was pretty gross, though. I'll never understand using African coffee when South American tastes so much better. Srsly.

Today, I'm hoping to drive out to see Paige and co. I haven't seen them in a while, and I miss them. It's the only time I can pretend I have a younger sibling. I'm totally jealous of all of them: Piper is such a cool kid. I enjoy spoiling her whenever I can. This is why I will be an excellent godmother/aunt. Ha ha. Y'all better start reproducing real quick.

I will never get over how my friend Fred looks like Buffalo Bill. It continues to freak me out and amuse me greatly. Though I can't quite see Fred kidnapping girls and carving them into a suit. I don't think it would be fashionable enough.

You know what I find most depressing about serial killer movies? The killers always seem to neglect the pets of their victims. For example: Buffalo Bill just kidnapped this girl, killed her, carved her up, and dumped her body in the water. She was coming home to feed her cat. So Kitty is probably still in her apartment, wondering when he's going to get fed (and rightly so). Couldn't he at least have gone in to give Kitty his Friskie's? It's only courteous.

These are the things I think about.

1 comment:

As Bjorn said...

I have to admit it when I was reading this and ran into Buffalo Bill I immediately thought of Bill Cody. Then it turned out to be that guy in Silence of the Lambs and I was non-plussed. Different references, eh? Kimb and I once did the stageplay Annie Get Your Gun. I didn't play Buffalo Bill, but I played the other guy, Pawnee Bill. It was jolly fun. Plus I have Larry McMurtry's great book on Bill Cody and Annie Oakley. Yet, I've never read the novel, Silence of the Lambs and don't really understand why Hannibal is such a figure for so many. Ah well. It was jolly fun seeing you. Piper has a great time and is clearly bent on following you and Paige's role modeling ways in her future, when she gets control of the universe. Hope you are well this week. T.