7 July 2008

tits sounds like a nickname

today i feel: happy
today i'm hearing: george carlin stand up
today i'm thinking: i'm okay with believing in g-d

Just a few thoughts before I go to bed.

Say hi to Neal, everybody! He's a new (-ish?) reader. You can check out his blog; there's a link to your right.

I've spent the past three days almost exclusively with my family. It's been tough, but I'm starting to feel better for some reason.

I've been talking to Randy a lot this week. It makes me happy inside.

I get to see Liesl this week, I think. That's pretty cool.

We watched Spaceballs tonight. It was all kinds of wonderful.

George Carlin is swiftly becoming my hero. I know I jumped on the bandwagon a little late, but I think he'd be okay with that.

I'm going to have fun this next semester. I'm going to. Fuck you, world, I'm gonna do it.

I just found this on my desktop a couple minutes ago. And I'm going to share it here, because I think it has a great deal to do with why I'm feeling so suddenly okay:

So it’s Friday night again--
weekend before finals of my second year of college--
and my roommate’s on the phone with her boyfriend.
And they’re having a fight.
And I’m pondering what it is
about this whole ‘college experience’
that I’m doing wrong.
And I’m wondering why tuna fish is a topic that
causes so much anger and frustration.
And once again
I’m feeling incredibly lucky to be single.
Because while I may be alone
and lonely
and depressed
and arguably suicidal,
I’m not having fights about tuna fish.
And that feels nice.

I've read six books so far this summer. I'm about to start my seventh. And that's better than passing physiology. Have a good night, guys.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the plug.

Make fun of yourself.

Anonymous said...

When did Matt and I fight about tuna fish?