16 July 2008

and then i found five dollars

today i feel: sleepy
today i'm hearing: jordan in the shower
today i'm thinking: it's fuckin' cinnamon rolls time

The fundraiser went really well last night. Hooray! We made quite a bit of money on raffle tickets alone and everyone seemed to have a good time. Randy's flight was cancelled, but he managed to get a later one and so we picked him up and he got to come for a little while anyway. I had my very first Chicago driving experience and we only nearly died once (I was trying to adjust the steering wheel and this large piece of machinery was trying to adjust my face). All in all, a pretty good experience, though I think I'll stick to driving at nighttime and avoid the day at all costs.

I think I'm bound to be the DD for the remainder of my life. I'm surprisingly comfortable with that, though it does make for a great many awkward parties where I'm sitting in a corner and not associating with anyone. But I'm not good at parties, and we all know that very, very well.

We came back to the apartment and hung out for a little while. Randy went to bed early and I went to bug him while Marina, Jordan, and Neal were hanging out. I miss getting to talk to him just one-on-one. He's a cool guy. There's a lot going on up there that I don't think a lot of people really know about or appreciate. Introspection. Solemnity. Goofiness. He's a cool kid.

I've been spending a lot of time with Neal, too. We rode up together and we're taking the train back together tonight. We've been bonding over television shows and I got to hear about some of his friends from back home. Again, a very cool guy. I know cool people. It makes me feel cool, too. Don't worry: I won't let it go to my head.

I'm not really sure what day it is anymore. I just know I don't want to go to work tomorrow morning. And I'm tired. And I want Ann Sather cinnamon rolls. And I want a big, Swedish queen to serve them to me and make faces at us when he catches awkward ends of our conversation.

And I want to see Dark Knight. And I want to cry. And I hope Erik doesn't make fun of me, but I'm pretty sure he won't. Hopefully we'll hang out tonight when I get home. We'll see.

I'm terribly close to pouncing on Marina and demanding breakfast. The time is fast approaching.


Paige said...

You will cry. It's that kind of movie.

Paige said...

P.S. Harvey Dent is hot.